FAQ Minecraft Servers

Adding your Minecraft server

Why should I add my server to MInecraftNews?

By registering your server for free on our server list, you will get more visitors, who we attract to your server, among other things, through our popular news section!

Why is an account required?

With a MInecraftNews account, you get an overview of your added Minecraft servers in your profile. Accounts are required to make changes afterwards and to prevent spam.

Why doesn't an IP like play.myMinecraftserver.com or myserver.mcplay.pw work?

For 'Server IP' you need to enter the regular 'numeric IP' (without port, which should be at 'Server port' of course). However, visitors can see the 'SRV' (the subdomain), which you can then enter at 'Server SRV'. If you don't have a subdomain but only a 'numeric IP', you can simply leave the 'Server SRV' blank.


What is 'voting'?

Voting means 'voting'. This means that you give a Minecraft server a vote (max. 1 time per 24 hours). The more votes a server gets, the higher it will be in the list and thus the more visitors this server can attract. If a server also uses our free Votifier support, this server can be set up to automatically give you a reward (coins, diamonds...) in-game.

What is Votifier and how do I set it up?

Votifier is a free plugin for Bukkit & Spigot servers that sends a signal to the server when a vote has been made. This can then give a reward (coins, diamonds...) of your choice with the help of a so-called listener.

Using rewards and Votifier is highly recommended, as the more votes, the higher in the list!

How often do the votes reset?

The votes on our server list reset automatically once a month, this to give every server an equal chance. The exact time of the vote reset is the last day of the month at 23:00.

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