FadeCloud is a popular Minecraft server that offers a variety of game modes, including Prison, Skyblock, Towny, Dungeons, and LifeSteal. It supports both the Java Edition and Bedrock Edition of Minecraft, and it is free to join.
To join FadeCloud, you will need a copy of Minecraft Java Edition or Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Here are the steps to join the server:
Or checkout the Youtube Video we created on how to join the Minecraft server Fadecloud:
Please note that although the server supports both Minecraft Java and Bedrock Editions, Fadecloud primarily supports the Java Edition.
FadeCloud is based in the United States, and the server has a fast connection with an uptime of 99%. As of the time of this writing, there were 455 players online with a maximum capacity of 2000 players. If you have issues, you can join the FadeCloud Discord server and direct your questions there.
Please note that while FadeCloud is a free-to-play server, it is also classified as a Premium server, which generally means that while access is free, there may be purchasable perks or items on the server.
You can also read our blog post where we did a full review of fadecloud, where we looked into what gamemodes fadecloud offers, server features and gamemodes, what versions it supports and more.
Read the full review here at: https://minecraft-news.net/new...
FadeCloud is a great place to play different games with many friends. But sometimes, you might want to try something new. To help you with this, we have a big list of other Minecraft servers you might like.
In our list, you'll find towny servers where you can make your own towns. There are skywars servers for battles in the sky and skyblock servers where you try to live on a tiny island in the sky.
We also have Bedrock and Java Edition servers in our list.
So, if you want to join a Minecraft server that suits your style, check out our Minecraft server list. We hope you find a new place to have fun and make new friends.